K'UN - EXHAUSTION Commentary: Steadfastness in times of exhaustion leads to success. The great man is auspicious. There is no blame. One's words are not heeded. Image: A waterless lake symbolizes exhaustion. Thus the superior man acquiesces to fate but remains virtuous. Changing Lines 1. Sitting exhausted under the barren trees, one wanders into a dark valley. Nothing is seen for three years. 2. One sits exhausted although surrounded by food and drink. The prince is coming. It is beneficial to offer sacrifices. Setting out without preparation is disastrous, albeit blameless. 3. Exhausted by obstruction, resting on brambles, one enters one's house but one's wife is not there. This is unlucky. 4. Arriving quietly, exhausted in a golden carriage, is humiliating, but there is an end to it. 5. Nose and feet cut off, exhausted by the minister. Joy follows slowly. It is beneficial to make offerings. 6. Exhausted among the vines, he is cautious and fears action. Regret this, make a start, and good luck will follow.